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Nature Transformation Fund

Launched in 2021, the Nature Transformation Fund provides ongoing support for impactful initiatives that benefit both people and biodiversity. Join other leading companies helping action for nature.

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Financing nature-positive action

The Nature Transformation Fund is a curated portfolio aimed at fostering transformative environmental change and achieving Global Biodiversity Targets. The fund is supported by a group of leading experts and is underpinned by a comprehensive framework taking an impact first approach. It addresses the need to balance short and long-term objectives by supporting strategic initiatives under three critical pillars: Innovative Finance, Policy & Accountability, and Ecosystem Health.

Impact made to date


Committed funding

Total committed funding for initiatives within the fund



Total number of initiatives supported since 2021



Total number of countries where initiatives are active

Innovative Finance

Closing the funding gap

Innovative finance focuses on developing financial strategies to sustainably manage and preserve natural resources. It seeks to secure continuous funding and unlock extra resources for long-term environmental stewardship. Mechanisms like conservation finance and blended finance, harness economic incentives to support conservation efforts and generate financial benefits encouraging community participation and ownership.

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Policy & Accountability

Empowering local communities

Policy & accountability highlights the role of local communities in solving environmental issues by promoting science-based policies, strategic litigation, and robust accountability mechanisms. It acknowledges the critical importance of insights and experiences from these communities in developing effective and equitable policies that protect the environment and facilitate a socially just transition.

Ecosystem Health

Protecting biodiverse ecosystems

Ecosystem health supports the '30x30' targets of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, which aims to protect and manage 30% of the world's terrestrial, freshwater, and marine areas by 2030. Currently, only about 17% of land and 8% of marine areas are protected. This effort is crucial for combating biodiversity loss and climate change, ensuring the preservation of natural systems essential for human well-being and all life on Earth.

Meet our experts

Natalya Yakusheva Jarlebring

Senior Environmental Lead

Natalya holds a PhD in Environmental Science and has previously worked as a postdoctoral researcher on International Forest Policy at the Department of Forest Science at the University of Helsinki. There she focused on the forest-climate nexus in implementation of the EU climate commitments. Natalya has extensive experience working as a consultant in natural resource management and development of sustainability policies for several international and donor organizations such as UNEP, UNDP, and GIZ.

Jill Raval

Senior Impact & Partnership Manager

Jill Raval is a sustainability expert specializing in marine and freshwater ecosystem conservation and sustainable finance. Her career has been marked by significant roles at the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), where she led over ten projects to approval by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). Jill’s contributions include prominent initiatives in conservation finance, freshwater and marine governance, blue economy and wastewater management. She has actively worked with NGOs, CSOs, and intergovernmental agencies to advance sustainability practices. A graduate of the Stockholm Resilience Center, Jill’s research provided deeper insights into the blue economy and the financial sector's role in sustainable practices.

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“We have spent three years investing directly in on-the-ground projects and building extensive knowledge in how to select and manage projects for maximum return on investment. With this new fund we are making this expertise available to all tech and finance companies looking for a ‘plug-and-play’ route to investing directly in on-the-ground biodiversity projects.”

Alexander Farsan

Head of Climate and Environment at Klarna

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Example initiatives within the fund

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Acción Andina Peru

Acción Andina aims to protect and restore one million hectares of high Andean forests, particularly Polylepis, over 25 years. The initiative focuses on conserving 500,000 hectares and restoring an equal area while promoting community-led natural resource management. This initiative is powered by Global Forest Generation and ECOAN.

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Blue Marine Foundation United Kingdom

Blue Marine Foundation aims to restore ocean health by protecting marine life and improving ocean governance. Through strategic top-down interventions and empowering bottom-up projects that support fishers and local communities, their goal is to ensure that at least 30% of the world's oceans are effectively protected by 2030, with the remaining 70% managed responsibly.

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Human Rights Watch Brazil

Human Rights Watch saves forests and protects their defenders. They shed light on human rights abuses and pressures governments to enforce legislation and policies to stop these destructive practices through investigations, exposing abuses linked to deforestation, and campaigning for change.

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