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Bee The Change

The future of humanity depends on pollinators, and the future of our pollinators depends on us.

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Why are bees and other pollinators so important?

Well, for starters, they keep us from going hungry. In fact, 70 out of 100 crop species that feed 90% of the world are pollinated. 

Bees and other pollinators are disappearing at an alarming rate, and they need our help.

We are in a climate crisis, and 2023 was the hottest year on record. Achieving net zero emissions is at the forefront of many people’s minds right now—but we’ll never get there without protecting our ecosystems. And our ecosystems can’t thrive without bees and other pollinators. 

There’s no net zero without nature, and no nature without bees. 

Our mission is to combat climate change by protecting nature and saving our pollinators. It won’t be easy – so we need your support.

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Our current projects

The Bee The Change Fund supports field projects, grassroots NGOs, and fundamental research to protect and preserve biodiversity and pollinator species worldwide from extinction.

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Bringing back the bumblebee

Nikki Gammans

Bumblebee Conservation Trust

Meet 10 of our planet’s coolest pollinators

When we talk about pollinators, most of us immediately think of bees. And while they certainly deserve the spotlight, our world is abuzz with many other vital pollinators – each playing their own indispensable role. These creatures ensure we have food on our plates and fill our landscapes with blossoming flowers and plants. From night-flying bats to graceful hummingbirds, discover 10 of our planet’s most amazing pollinators.


Perhaps the most recognised pollinator, bees are essential for pollinating various fruits, vegetables, and nuts, and are the producers of delicious honey—but are only 7 out of 20,000 different kinds of bees. Their social nature and ability to communicate with one another about food sources make them efficient and effective at pollinating.


Butterflies are more than just a delight to the eyes. Their long legs touch parts of flowers that many other insects can't, transferring pollen efficiently.

A beautiful butterfly sitting on a flower

Night's unsung heroes, bats pollinate over 500 plant species, including some of our favourites like mangoes and agaves (which we use to make tequila).


With their incredible hovering ability and penchant for nectar, hummingbirds pollinate many wildflowers, playing a key role in diverse ecosystems.

A hummingbird seeping nectar

One of our oldest pollinators, beetles have been pollinating our planet for over 100 million years. They often feast on flower parts, inadvertently spreading pollen in the process.

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These nocturnal creatures pollinate many plants under the cover of darkness. Over time, some plants have evolved long tubes to suit moths' long tongues.


Often mistaken as mere nuisances, wasps play a critical role in pollinating many of the plants and flowers in our gardens.


While not as efficient as some other pollinators, ants do their bit. Their love for nectar often leads them to inadvertently transfer pollen between flowers.

Two ants pollinating a flower

Especially important in higher altitudes and colder climates where bees might be scarce, flies, including hoverflies, are critical for some flowers and crops.

Other birds

In regions like New Zealand, birds like the kiwi play a significant role in pollination. Their beaks and feathers pick up and transfer pollen as they search for nectar.

...And many more

The beauty of nature lies in its interconnectedness. From the smallest ant to the hovering hummingbird, each pollinator has a part to play in the grand tapestry of life. Next time you enjoy a piece of fruit or marvel at a blooming flower, take a moment to appreciate the incredible creatures that made it all possible.


What food or drink could we lose if pollinators were to go extinct?


Fruits and berries

Delicious fruit snacks, smoothies and juices are all at risk if pollinators die out. Apple trees require cross-pollination to grow fruit, strawberries grow larger and fuller when supported by bee pollination, and delicious blueberries would not exist at all without pollinators.


Vegetables and legumes

Imagine your go-to cooking ingredients and favourite salad veggies being constantly out of stock, or impossibly expensive to buy. Butterflies, bees and beetles all pollinate squash, pumpkins and cucumbers, and onions rely on bees for seed production, too.


Seeds and nuts

Love your morning cup of coffee? You can thank our pollinators – bee-pollinated coffee plants yield more and better quality beans. Cacao trees (the source of our beloved chocolate) also benefit from pollination by midges and bees; without them, chocolate bars and hot chocolates would be rare (and expensive) treats.

Four ways we can help our pollinator friends

1. Feed the pollinators

Cultivating a corner of your garden or balcony with wildflowers or bee-friendly trees is a great way to provide food for pollinating insects. Every little patch counts.

2. Create Pollinator Havens

Just as we need homes, our pollinator friends need shelter too. Consider setting up a bee hotel, drill holes in untreated wood for solitary bees, or leave patches of bare soil for ground-nesters. By giving them a home, you're not just nurturing nature; you're also ensuring a fruitful environment for future generations.

3. Avoid pesticides

When shopping for groceries, choose items labelled as organic or eco-friendly. This means they’re produced without harmful pesticides, especially the spraying of neonicotinoids, which are a massive threat to bees and pollinators. By supporting farmers who use organic farming practices, we can promote bee health and contribute to a healthier environment.

4. Supporting Diverse Farming

From buying locally-produced or regeneratively-farmed products, to supporting community gardens that promote diverse planting, and advocating for policies or politicians who champion the transition to regenerative agricultural practices – remember, each purchase, plant, or vote is a step towards a thriving future.
